Our Team

Our team is made up of specialists in mechanical engineering, materials, geology, chemistry, industrial management, economics and management.

Over the last decade, we have been actively involved in four PhD projects, which have led to the creation of new business areas, and we have nurtured two successful spin-offs Stork by Filstone and Stonify.

Paula Rebola Lab

Paula Rebola

Chemical Engineer;
Natural Stone Specialist

Vanessa Delgado Fund

Vanessa Delgado

Economist; Project Manager
and Fundraising

Alexandre Santos Lab

Alexandre Santos

Geological Engineer; Laboratory Technician

Madalena Garcia Stone

Madalena Garcia

Materials Engineer;
Consultant and Project Manager

Susana Lourenço Administração

Susana Lourenço

Finance Manager

André Silva Stone

André Silva

Civil Engineer; Development of New Materials

Paula Rebola Lab

Paula Rebola

Chemical Engineer;
Natural Stone Specialist


Vanessa Delgado Fund

Vanessa Delgado

Economist; Project Manager
and Fundraising


Alexandre Santos Lab

Alexandre Santos

Geological Engineer; Technician Natural Stone Specialist


Madalena Garcia Stone

Madalena Garcia

Materials Engineer;
Consultant and Project Manager


Susana Lourenço Administração

Susana Lourenço

Finance Manager


André Silva Stone

André Silva

Civil Engineer; Development of New Materials



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